Welcome to Fremont County 4-H Shooting Sports
Welcome–We’re glad to have you in this project! This is different than most other 4-H projects, in that we don’t have one specific Shooting Sports club! Members are enrolled in clubs throughout Fremont County. The Shooting Sports coaches will work with all members. Remember that you must attend at least four practices in each of your disciplines with an approved coach in order to compete at County Fair and complete your project. When you do, the coach will sign your record book and your County Fair entry form. It is your responsibility to contact the coach with questions about practice sessions or meetings.
Project Information
Shooting Sports Project Information
*Shooting Sports members must enroll in their chosen disciplines (air rifle, .22 rifle, shotgun, muzzle loading, or archery) prior to March 1 of each year in order to be eligible for the county fair.
*Members MAY NOT add a discipline after March 1 and still be eligible for that year’s Fremont County Fair (or State Fair).
NOTE: All first year members MUST attend a safety class in each discipline in which they have enrolled or they will not be able to participate in that shooting activity. It is highly recommended that all second year members attend as well. Parent must attend with child.
Discipline coaches may require second year and higher members to attend the safety class as well.
All Shooting Sports members must have a valid Colorado Hunter Education number! Those classes are not the same as the discipline safety classes mentioned above.
Please visit the calendar or each discipline page for safety class dates and practice dates .
Project Completion
To complete this project a member must complete the requirements listed under “Shooting Sports Competition” or “Shooting Sports Display” or both. Record books are required for both the competition and the display. Members must complete a County Fair entry form for contest and/or display. Contest entry forms must be signed by the appropriate coach for the discipline entered, indicating requirements have been met. Coaches will give to the Extension Office a list of members who have met their requirements. As with all other project areas, Shooting Sports members must attend at least 50% of their club’s scheduled meetings in order to complete their project at the Fremont County Fair.
Shooting Sports Display
Exhibit of records kept during the year and display illustrating a chosen aspect of skill area are required.
A. Each display must have a record book which relates to that discipline.
B. Display items should illustrate a chosen aspect of skill areas. This is separate from the competition events. Individual exhibits can be showboard or stand-alone items (such as gun stocks, decoys, etc.) No live ammo, broadheads, knives or functional firearms allowed to be displayed.
C. Exhibits must be entered in discipline that exhibit relates to. The specific unit entered must be declared on the Shooting Sports entry form for fair.
D. Units will follow Colorado State Fair classes.
E. Exhibit requirements can be found at www.co4hshooting.org
Shooting Sports Competition
A Shooting Sports Competition will be held for each unit. Members must shoot at the designated contest time for each event. No special sessions will be allowed.
A. Competitors must be currently enrolled in 4-H Shooting Sports project.
B. Every competitor must possess a valid Colorado Hunters Education Card, regardless of the competition category. The Hunter Education number must be reported to the Extension Office.
C. In order to compete in the Shooting Sports Competition a member must have proof of safety training. A member must have attended at least four practices on the range with an authorized shooting sports leader and must demonstrate that he/she is proficient in the safety rules and practices. All four practices must take place prior to the entry deadline for County Fair. Safety class attendance does not count toward these minimum practices . The leader will sign the member’s shooting record when these requirements are met.
D. Junior division individuals are persons at least age 8 and not more than 13 prior to January 1 of the current year.
E. Senior division individuals are persons at least age 14 and not more than 18 prior to January 1 of the current year.
F. Refer to State 4-H Shooting Sports Rule Book for specific details regarding equipment, ammunition, and classes of shooting sports competition. Rule books are available in the CSU Extension Office or on line at www.co4hshooting.org
G. Completed Shooting Sports record books will be due within two days after the last event of the County Fair competition. Record books will be judged and ribbons displayed at the County Fair. A minimum score of 70% is required for project completion and the privilege of competing at the Colorado State Fair Competition. Members who score below 70% will have one week from the date of judging to make corrections to their books to improve their scores. Depending on State Fair entry deadlines, that date may be moved sooner. If a member is entering a Shooting Sports display, the record book will be judged along with the display, but it must be turned in at the earlier time as well.
H. Record book awards will be as follows: 100-85, Blue Award; 70-84, Red Award; 69 & below, White Award (not complete).
State Fair Qualifications
Fremont County may enter up to 6 persons in each senior and junior division event, if eligible.
To be eligible:
1. Must have competed at Fremont County Fair contest in the event they are entering.
2. Must have turned in their completed Shooting Sports record book, with a minimum score of 70 points.
3. Opportunity to compete at the State Fair will be offered to top six with others moving up if space is available.
4. Regular practices must be attended between County Fair and State Fair in order to maintain the member’s spot on the State Fair team.
Shooter of the Year awards will be given at Achievement Night. These awards are intended to encourage participation in a variety of Shooting Sports disciplines. Winners are determined by adding scores in all areas of competition, as well as display and record book scores .
Practice Schedule
Record Book Tips
Record Book Tips
Shooting Sports Record Book Check List You will have a couple options when it comes to completing and filling out your record book. Books may be completed online or may be printed off and filled out by hand. For 4-Hers who do not have access to the Internet, a CD is available so you can print your book off at home. Members who do not have a computer may still obtain a record book from the extension office.
Here are some things you might keep in mind or try when filling out your record books.
1. Make sure you fill out the front of the book, get all of the required signatures and write your hunter safety number in the space provided. Anything missing will result in a deduction in the record book’s score.
2. The goal page should be filled out. Make sure you put down the three goals. This is a requirement in the record book. Goals should be something you can do during the current 4-H year. Make sure you cover all three goals in your plan of achievement. Also make sure you get signatures that are required.
3. On the Inventory page make sure you put any equipment you had at the start of the current 4-H year. If you were given a gun as a gift or borrowed it put down the approximate value of the gun. Make sure the total the value column. Double-check your addition.
4. On the Shooting expense summary page: put in anything that cost you or your parents money after you start to do shooting. This includes equipment, guns, gas to go to the range, shells, round fees and any drinks or candy bars bought at the range. To figure gas expense figure out what the distance is from your house to the ranges and figure around 37 cents per mile. Make sure you total each column and check you addition.
5. On the Record score sheet page there are score sheets for all the different shooting sports activities. If there is any activity you are not doing put a n/a on that page or you can write that you are not doing that activity. Make sure there is something on every page so the judge will know that you at least looked at each page. Make sure you keep all of your scores. It is your responsibility to get your scores and record them in your book.
6. On the Goal Evaluation page make sure you look at your three goals in the front of the book. Explain if you accomplished your goals or not and why or why not. If one of your goals is to get to go to the state fair competition, you will need to go to the extension office and finish writing your evaluation page as your record book will have to be turned in before the county fair competition. Be sure to sign this page.
7. On the story page make sure that you write a story about all that you have done in shooting sports. If you are doing more than shotgun, for example you are doing Shotgun and archery, you need to cover both programs in your story. Read the instructions on the page. The instructions will help you to write the story. Again make sure you sign the page Also, if you want to tell how you did at the county competition, go to the extension office and finish your story or write an additional part for your story on another sheet of paper and turn it into the extension office. If you keep your record books each year, you will be able to see the improvements you have made.
8. Shooting Sports Demonstration: Make sure you do a demonstration for shooting sports, give details on what, why, and where the demonstration was given. It is recommended that you take pictures of this. Make sure when someone takes a picture that all safety requirements are met. At no time should the firearm or bow be aimed in the direction of the camera.
9. You may have up to three picture pages. Make sure you put captions under your pictures telling about each picture. You may also put a title on each page. Try to make these pages as neat as possible. If you are doing more than one activity in shooting sports, over all of them with pictures.
10. Try to keep your record books neat! You can put record books in notebooks. If you have to add pages and it is not in a notebook, staple or paper clip extra pages so they do not get lost.
Juniors and Seniors must have a score of 70 or better on their record books.
If you need more help with your record book contact your leader or the extension office.
Shooting Sports Coordinator Linda Valdez
Air Rifle Head Coach
Eugene Valdez
Archery Head Coach
Martin Telck
Muzzleloading Head Coach
Eugene Valdez
.22 Rifle Head Coach
Tom Masar
Shotgun Head Coach
Mike Marriott